Sunday, 6 September 2009

An Explanation...

Obviously Quack Spout has been absent from podcastage for a few weeks now, and I've also been rather behind on my demo reviews for God is in the TV, and this is due a general state of rather busy-ness and some 'life altering' occurences that have, er, occured. Basically and broadly, I've moved from Brighton to a sofa in London...

But, fear not, Quack Spout is not an ex-parrot. No, m'am. Instead I've re-evaluated it and figured that if it were a once monthly podcast then I can make sure I'm bringing you the very best new, unsigned, independent music amassed from four weeks worth of demo reviews as opposed to really trying to cobble together 12/13 tracks every single week.

So, I'm going to take September off in an effort to adjust to sofa life and Quack Spout will be back, bright eyed and bushy tailed in October.

See you soon! x