Clone Alone - Virgin Media Shorts
Here's a little ramble about the 'Making Of...' Clone Alone.

My mum had encouraged me to enter Virgin Media Shorts a few years ago, a friend of hers had entered a film I think, but I never got around to it. This year I was procrastinating at work and stumbled upon the 2011 competition, thinking; 'I really should enter this.'
Over the next few days I was pondering over an idea for a short, but nothing was coming to me that I felt was worthwhile and could be delivered to fit the 2:20 running time limit. I did keep coming back to the idea of clones in my head, as it's something I seem to be obsessed with...
It wasn't until a couple of days later, on the 3rd of July that I acutally thought I might have had enough of an idea to warrant turning a camera on, so that Sunday morning I wrote a script and asked my resting actor housemate Sean if he would be interested in playing the lead? He, hungover and slumped in the front room, said yes and asked when I was planning on filming it. I said, 'In about ten minutes.'
We filmed between 11am and 4pm as I had to go to an 'all day' gig that afternoon. Sean captured the footage onto a memory stick and I edited the film whenever I could find the time around my 9 to 5 job on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the deadline for the competition.
I literally finished the film and pressed upload at 11am on Thursday with one hour to go before entries closed. So, whilst there's so much about the film I'm unhappy with - though I don't think I'll ever be happy with any of my creative endeavours being a terrible perfectionist and all - I'm really proud of the film we made considering the haste with which the whole thing was cobbled together.
Now, all I need to do is finish the next episode of Captain Neon, which should be on its way, soonish...