1. If you hit a book really hard with a hammer it usually survives.
2. When reading a book in public you may look cool/a twat depending on the book's cover, with a Kindle you always look like a twat.
3. If you're stuck with nothing to wipe your bottom with you can always tear one of the blank pages out from the back of a book. Wiping your bum with a Kindle, whilst a fine use for it, is quite cumbersome.
4. One of the best things about reading any book, regardless of whether it's any good or not, is the sound of a page turning.*
5. There's no greater feeling than knowing you've crossed the half-way point in a book by looking at how many pages are left/feeling the shift in weight. No matter how far into a book you are on your Kindle you've always got the same weight of book left to go.
6. The only fonts a paperback can't display are ones that don't exist.
7. The Kindle's terms of use forbid transferring Amazon e-books to another user or a different type of device. I can transfer my paperback to anyone and they can read it with any type of eyes.
8. All pop-up books lose their impact on Kindle. (See also; Scratch and Sniff)
9. You only need to carry 1,000,000 books with you at once if you are (a) delivering a truckload of books to a bookshop or (b) Johnny-5, the robot from Short Circuit, and can read books at light-speed. Otherwise one at a time seems to do most people just fine.
10. A full bookshelf looks sexier than a full Kindle.
*Anyone who tells me that the Kindles have a 'page-turn-sound' you can activiate or download only further contributes to the argument that Kindles lose.